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Copper Core Spark Plug Wire Set ~ 4 Cylinder Straight Boots (Made in USA)
Allis Chalmers Tractor B, C, CA, H3, IB, RC, WC, WD, WD45, WF D10, D12, D14, D15, D17, 170, 175 (Models with Vertical Delco Distributor only) not Magneto, and also does not fit models converted to an IH Farmall Horizontal Mounted Distributor
Allis Chalmers Combine E, EII, EIII, 60, 66, 72, 90
Allis Chalmers I40, I400, I60, I600, 510, 512, 610, 612, 614
Allis Chalmers Forklift F30, F40, F50
Allis Chalmers Loader TL10, TL11, TL12
Allis Chalmers Grader D, DG, M65
225084, 225613, 229867, 70225084, 70225613, 70229867
Models with Distributor only
Copper Spark plug wires are for use with Distributor (with Points) only - Not for use with Electronic Ignition / Solid State Ignition